Sunday, October 31, 2010

hallows eve

Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


going to take the plunge. the only thing that might be ugly is because i'm dying the top, not the bottom. hope it doesn't look like shit.
lusting after ombre hair with messy wasson curls.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

i, love, am a pathalogical liar.

- Available: totally in love with my man.
- Animals: Machiavelli, my little grumpy fish.

- Beer: hefeweizen in the summer, ale in the winter.
- Birthday: special days
- Best Friend: 4 of the best.
- Body Part on opposite sex: teeth and eyebrows.
- Best feeling in the world: love.
- Best weather: rainnnnnnn!
- Been in Love: am in love.
- Believe in Magic: don't tell the muggles.
- Believe in Santa: i believe in playing along and getting more gifts.

- Candy: toffee!
- Color: army green.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate.
- Chinese/Indian/Italian Food: yes please.
- Cake or pie: pie.
- Continent to visit: South America.
- Cheese: i love cheese. i'm a fatass.

- Day or Night: evening.
- Dancing in the rain: and kissing in the rain.

- Eyes: blue.
- Ever failed a class?: never.
- First thoughts waking up: oh shit, late again!
- Food: I love food. i just ate taquitos. i love food.
- Goals: happy.
- Get along with your parents? usually.

- Hair Color: dark blonde.
- Happy: day.
- Holiday: Christmas!!!!

- Ice Cream: almost everyday.

- Jewelry: vintage gold from my grandma, and chunky silver.
- Job: director. actor. receptionist.

- Kids: i love kids.
- Kickboxing or karate: aerobics kickboxing.
- Keep a journal? yes.

- Laughed so hard you cried: yes.
- Milk flavor: vanilla soy.
- Movies: artsy and slow.
- McD’s or BK: in-n-out

- Number: 25

- One wish: on a shooting star.

- Perfect Pizza: feta, mushroom, spinach.
- Pepsi/Coke: diet coke.

- Reason to cry: everything beautiful, sad, or moving.
- Reality T.V.: kell on earth.
- Radio Station: k erth

- Song: We used to wait, arcade fire
- Shoe: boots.
- Sushi: cucumber avocado.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries.

- Tattoos?: 2 months.
- Time for bed: 1:30 am.
- Thunderstorms: the most beautiful tantrum in the world.

- Unpredictable: the words that come out of my mouth.

- Vacation spot(s): beauty.

- Weakness: food, fashion.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Lowam.
- Worst Weather?: freezing, or over 100

-Year it is now: 2010
-Yellow: bedroom walls.

- Zoo animal: elephant.

because class is boring and i'm 14.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

wide open autumn

(photo credit: jordan sullivan, the selby, the first and last were on my computer)

Monday, October 18, 2010

18 days away

i love you.

Friday, October 8, 2010



It is a chilly god, a god of shades,
Rises to the glass from his black fathoms.
At the window, those unborn, those undone
Assemble with the frail paleness of moths,
An envious phosphorescence in their wings.
Vermillions, bronzes, colors of the sun
In the coal fire will not wholly console them.
Imagine their deep hunger, deep as the dark
For the blood-heat that would ruddlr or reclaim.
The glass mouth sucks blooh-heat from my forefinger.
The old god dribbles, in return, his words.

The old god, too, write aureate poetry
In tarnished modes, maundering among the wastes,
Fair chronicler of every foul declension.
Age, and ages of prose, have uncoiled
His talking whirlwind, abated his excessive temper
When words, like locusts, drummed the darkening air
And left the cobs to rattle, bitten clean.
Skies once wearing a blue, divine hauteur
Ravel above us, mistily descend,
Thickening with motes, to a marriage with the mire.

He hymns the rotten queen with saffron hair
Who has saltier aphrodisiacs
Than virgins' tears. That bawdy queen of death,
Her wormy couriers aer at his bones.
Still he hymns juice of her, hot nectarine.
I see him, horny-skinned and tough, construe
What flinty pebbles and ploughable upturns
As ponderable tokens of her love.
He, godly, doddering, spells
No succinct Gabriel from the letters here
But floridly, his amorous nostalgias.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


amazing actress. PLUS, she's a total fox.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


these are photos by my friend lindsey skinner. linds and nick, my bf, moxie cat
i like her pictures and i like lindsey. and nick. and moxie. and i love mark.

About Me

My photo
i love cats, theatre, fashion, and sleeping.
